Utilising multi-temporal and spatial Earth observation data to identify agricultural features indicative of opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan
Optimising energy management in industry to help reduce carbon emissions
Investigating if paper manufacturing waste can be used as raw materials
Addressing the challenges presented by emerging potato pests and the impact of soil-borne pathogens during potato postharvest storage
Investigating the impacts of climate change on glacier retreat and water resources in the Rio Santa, Peru
This project innovates on the use of machine learning algorithms for evaluating the flexibility of domestic and commercial consumers
Development of post-synthesis processing techniques for precision surface finishing of nano-structured hard coatings
Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind mango ripening, and develop a predictive model to ensure nutritional quality across the supply chain
Aiming to characterise, manage and mitigate online risks ME communities experience when accessing digital services in housing, health and energy
Establishing a community of practice aiming to promote resilience-thinking for pollution management
This project aims to develop a proof of concept for implementing green hydrogen generation to meet agrifood business needs in England
Investigating the effect of nanosecond pulsed laser beams on manufacturing processes
Reconfigurable robotics for responsive manufacture
Creating a predictive model for black dot linking production to postharvest storage will make the UK potato industry will reduce food loss and waste
We are investigating the genetic control of seed quality traits in parsnip and developing breeding strategies to reduce seed loss and waste