We are investigating the genetic control of seed quality traits in parsnip and developing breeding strategies to reduce seed loss and waste
  • DatesSeptember 2020 to September 2024
  • SponsorFoodBiosystems DTP (BBSRC), Elsoms Seeds Ltd.
  • Funded£134,000
  • PartnersElsoms Seeds Ltd. University of Reading

Crops such as parsnip flower and set seed over a period of about 6 weeks depending on weather conditions. As a result, the bulk seed harvested shows high heterogenicity leading to a lot of seed being wasted during processing before a saleable batch is obtained. The aim of this CASE PhD project is to use a combination of phenomics and modern forward and reverse genetics approaches in order to investigate the genetic control of seed abscission, plant architecture and flowering time in parsnip and related crops and select elite parsnip breeding lines with superior seed quality characteristics.