A charity which helps improve the lives of people overseas, especially in the developing world, is celebrating its 50th anniversary
The imposition by the US of 5% tariffs on goods imported from Mexico will have far-reaching consequences, an expert in global finance has warned.
ۿ۴ý and SEMLEP are co-hosting an event for businesses to learn more about the future of supply chain logistics on 5 June 2019
An on-board camera has captured the moment a ۿ۴ý-designed “space sail” was successfully deployed in orbit above the Earth’s surface.
On a visit to ۿ۴ý, the Swedish Ambassador to the United Kingdom met with senior representatives of both the University and Saab
ۿ۴ý is working with Colombian partner FUNDEBAN to improve smallholders’ banana irrigation management practices
Jack Stockford, lecturer in aircraft design, visited Brooksward primary school in Milton Keynes as part of their STEM week
Santander has today announced it is backing MK:U, providing £30 million of funding to help establish the university
ۿ۴ý is hosting an intense three-day "hackathon" where the next generation of engineers explore the future of autonomous driving software
The CAA has announced the National Beyond visual line of site Experimentation Corridor, based at ۿ۴ý, as one of six participants to join the ‘Innovation Sandbox’
Academics from across ۿ۴ý, have today paid tribute to the impact of Niki Lauda on the world of motorsport, aviation and business
Researchers are developing a mathematical model for motion sickness that will help stop people becoming ill when travelling in autonomous vehicles
A group of students from ۿ۴ý has won a £5,000 prize from Unilever to help them develop the next generation of ice cream products
The UK Aerospace Research Consortium members recently met with the Aerospace Technology Institute at ۿ۴ý
The location will help to increase L3’s flight training capacity for cadets across its European training programs