At ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ we offer a diverse learning environment with students from across Europe and the rest of the world, representing over 100 countries.
Here you will find information relevant to you if you are planning to study at Cranfield from another country.
Pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Courses
By choosing to study with us at Cranfield you'll be able to refine your English language skills; immerse yourself in a new culture and study towards an internationally recognised qualification.
If you are interested in further advice and information about studying in the UK you may like to also visit the UK Council for International Student Affairs .
Visa Application
If you require a visa in order to study at ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½, you will need to make an application before you attend your course. Please view our Visas and Immigration pages for information on Tier 4 (General) visas, Student Visitor visas, and also Tier 4 (Dependant) visas.
Accommodation Arrangements
Please consider your accommodation options carefully and ensure you have arranged accommodation before you arrive in the UK, even if it is temporary accommodation whilst you look for somewhere permanent to live.
On campus accommodation
If your course is being held at the Cranfield campus and you will be a full-time student, you will be able to apply for on campus accommodation as soon as you receive your course offer.
Please be aware that we do not offer a guarantee of accommodation specifically for international students; therefore, we strongly recommend that you apply early as on campus accommodation is very popular.
Off campus accommodation
Many students live in the local areas around the Cranfield and Shrivenham campuses and we can assist you in looking for off campus accommodation.
Medical Care
If you are from a European Economic Area (EEA) country you should obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before you travel to the UK to ensure you are able to use NHS medical services.
International (non-EEA) students are eligible for some NHS treatments providing your course is for six months or more but you may wish to consider private medical insurance before you travel.
Please also check NHS advice for international students for .