- Baker M, Bourne M (2014) A Governance Framework for the Idea-to-Launch Process: Development and Application of a Governance Framework for New Product Development. Research Technology Management, 57 (1) 42-49.
- Melnyk S, Bititci U, Platts K, Tobias J, Andersen B (2014) Is performance measurement and management fit for the future?. Management Accounting Research, 25 (2) 173-186.
- Bourne M, Pavlov A, Franco-Santos M, Lucianetti L, Mura M (2013) Generating organisational performance: The contributing effects of performance measurement and human resource management practices. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33 (11/12) 1599-1622.
- Tobias JM, Mair J, Barbosa-Leiker C (2013) Toward a theory of transformative entrepreneuring: Poverty reduction and conflict resolution in Rwanda's entrepreneurial coffee sector. Journal of Business Venturing, 28 (6) 728-742.
- Tobias J (2013) Sharper Decision-Making. Training Journal, (Dec) 13-17.
- Franco-Santos M, Lucianetti L, Bourne M (2012) Contemporary performance measurement systems: A review of their consequences and a framework for research. Management Accounting Research, 23 (2) 79-119.
- Bititci U, Ackermann F, Ates A, Bourne M, Davies J, Gibbs S, MacBryde J, Mackay D, Maguire C, Shafti F, Van Der Meer RB (2011) Managerial processes: Business processes that sustain performance. Production, Planning and Control: the management of Operations, 22 (2) 157-173.
- Bititci U, Ackermann F, Ates A, Davies J, Garengo P, Gibb S, MacBryde J, Mackay D, Maguire C, Van Der Meer R, Shafti F, Bourne M, Firat S (2011) Managerial processes: business process that sustain performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 31 (8) 851-891.
- Pavlov A, Bourne M (2011) Explaining the effects of performance measurement on performance: An organizational routines perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 31 (1) 101-122.
- Tobias J, Boudreaux KC (2011) Entrepreneurship and Conflict Reduction in the Post-Genocide Rwandan Coffee Industry. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 24 (2) 217-242.
- Franco-Santos M, Khilji S, Bourne M (2011) Understanding the performance impact of Investors in People: A social exchange approach. British Academy of Management, Aston, Birmingham 13- 15 September 2011.
- Franco-Santos M, Marcos J, Bourne M (2010) Hitting the mark: The art and science of target setting. IESE Insight, 7 (4th quarter) 34-41.
- Martinez V, Pavlov A, Bourne M (2010) Reviewing performance: an analysis of the structure and functions of performance management reviews. Production Planning & Control, 21 (1) 70-83.
- Micheli P, Pavlov A (2008) Promoting a culture of performance management in public sector organisations. Public Governance - Journal for Public Management, (Winter) 22-24.
- Pavlov A, Geurts T (2005) Using Countercyclical REITs in the Classroom: Solving Problems with the Calculation of the Cost of Capital. Real Estate Review, 34 (2) 21-.
- Tobias, J. M., & Ingrams, A. (2010). Creating a Different Kind of Innovator: Using health communication theory in entrepreneurship education to foster behavior change among entrepreneurship students in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Education for International Development 4(3), 47-66.
- Raja, J.Z., Green, S.D. and Leiringer, R. (2010). Concurrent and disconnected change programmes: strategies in support of servitization and the implementation of business partnering, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 258-276.
- Leiringer, R. Green, S.D. and Raja, J.Z. (2009). Living up to the value agenda: the empirical realities of through-life value creation in construction, Construction Management and Economics, 27(3): 271-285
- Peng, T. A. & Bourne, M. C. S., (2008) "The Coexistence of Competition and Cooperation between Networks: Implications from Two Taiwanese Healthcare Networks", British Journal of Management, Published on line & forthcoming
- Forstenlechner, I., Lettice, F., Bourne, M. & Webb, C., (2007), "Turning knowledge into value in professional service firms", Performance Measurement and Metrics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 146-156
- Franco-Santos, M., Kennerley, M., Micheli, P., Martinez, V., Mason, S., Marr, B., Gray, D. and Neely, A. (2007), "Towards a definition of a business performance measurement system", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 27 No. 8, pp. 784 – 801
- Spender, J.; Marr, B. (2006) Knowledge-based human capital. Expert Systems with Applications, volume 30 issue 2, p-
- Bourne, M.; Kennerley, M.; Franco, M. (2005) Managing through measures: a study of the impact on performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, volume 16 issue 4, p373-395
- Bititci, U.; Mendibil, K.; Martinez, V.; Albores, P. (2005) Measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 25 issue 4, p333-353
- Pike, S.; Roos, G.; Marr, B. (2005) Strategic management of intangible assets and value drivers in R & D organizations. R&D Management, volume 35 issue 2, p111-124
- Bourne, M. (2005) Researching performance measurement system implementation: The dynamics of success and failure. Production, Planning & Control, volume 16 issue 2, p101-113
- Fink, A.; Marr, B.; Siebe, A.; Kuhle, J. (2005) The future scorecard: combining external and internal scenarios to create strategic foresight. Management Decision, volume 43 issue 2, p-
- Franco, M.; Bourne, M. (2005) An examination of the literature relating to issues affecting how companies manage through measures. Production, Planning & Control, volume 16 issue 2, p114-124
- Marr, B.; Schiuma, G.; Neely, A. (2005) Assessing strategic knowledge assets in eBusinesses. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume issue , p-
- Micheli, P.; Kennerley, M. (2005) Performance measurement frameworks in public and non-profit sectors. Production, Planning & Control, volume 16 issue 2, p125-134
- Micheli, P.; Mason, S.; Kennerley, M.; Wilcox, M. (2005) Public sector performance: efficiency or quality?. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 9 issue 2, p-
- Fink, A.; Marr, B.; Siebe, A. (2005) Foreseeing the future. Production, Planning & Control, volume issue , p-
- Neely, A. (2005) The evolution of performance measurement research: Developments in the last decade and a research agenda for the next. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume issue , p-
- Marr, B.; Chatzkel. J. (2004) Intellectual capital at the crossroads: managing, measuring and reporting IC. Journal of Intellectual Capital, volume 5 issue 2, p224-229
- Franco, M.; Bourne, M.; Huntington, R. (2004) Executive pay and performance measurement practices in the UK. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 3, p5-11
- Marr, B.; Schiuma, G.; Neely, A. (2004) Intellectual capital - defining key performance indicators for organisational knowledge assets. Business Process Management Journal, volume 10 issue 5, p551-569
- Adams, C.; Bourne, M.; Neely, A. (2004) Measuring and improving the capital planning process. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 2, p23-30
- Trevor, T.; Martinez, V.; Bititci, U. (2004) Managing the value delivery processes. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, volume 34 issue 3/4, p302-318
- Carlucci, D.; Marr, B.; Schiuma, G. (2004) The Knowledge Value Chain - How Knowledge Management impacts Business Performance. International Journal of Technology Management, volume 27 issue 6/7, p575-590
- Marr, B. (2004) Measuring and benchmarking intellectual capital. Benchmarking: An International Journal, volume 11 issue 6, p559-570
- Bititci, U.; Martinez, V.; Albores, P.; Parung, J. (2004) Creating and managing value in collaborative networks. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, volume 34 issue 3/4, p251-268
- Marr, B. (2004) Measuring intangible assets - the state of the art. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 1, p3-5
- Marr, B.; Schiuma, G.; Neely, A. (2004) The dynamics of value creation - mapping your intellectual performance drivers. Journal of Intellectual Capital, volume 5 issue 2, p312-325
- Marr, B.; Spender, J. (2004) Measuring knowledge assets - implications of the knowledge economy for performance measurement. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 1, p18-27
- Mouritsen, J.; Bukh, P.; Marr, B. (2004) Reporting on intellectual capital - why, what, and how? Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 1, p46-54
- Marr, B. (2004) Automating intellectual capital - integrating measures for intangibles into corporate performance management applications. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, volume issue , p-
- Gray, D.; Rastas, T.; Roos, G. (2004) What intangible resources do companies value, measure and report? A synthesis of UK and Finnish research. Journal of Intellectual Capital, volume issue September, p-
- Marr, B. (2004) Mapping the dynamics of how intangibles create value. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, volume issue , p-
- Marr, B.; Adams, C. (2004) The balanced scorecard and intangible assets: similar ideas, unaligned concepts. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 10 issue 2, p18-27
- Marr, B.; Parry, S. (2004) Performance management in call centres: lessons, pitfalls and achievements in Fujitsu Services. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 4, p55-62
- Leseure, M.; Birdi, K.; Bauer, J.; Neely, A.; Denyer, D. (2004) Adoption of promising practices: a systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Management Reviews, volume 5/6 issue 3/4, p169-190
- Pittaway, L.; Robertson, M.; Munir, K.; Denyer, D.; Neely, A. (2004) Networking and innovation: a systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Management Reviews, volume 5/6 issue 3/4, p137-168
- Denyer, D.; Neely, A. (2004) Introduction to the Special Issue: Innovation and Productivity Performance in the UK. International Journal of Management Reviews, volume 6 issue 3/4, p131-135
- Edwards, T.; Battisti, G.; Neely, A. (2004) Value creation and the UK economy: A review of strategic options. International Journal of Management Reviews, volume 5/6 issue 3/4, p191-213
- Neely, A.; Powell, S. (2004) The challenges of performance measurement: Andy Neely in conversation with Sarah Powell. Management Decision, volume 42 issue 7/8, p1017-1023
- Neely, A.; Jarrar, Y. (2004) Extracting value from data: The performance planning value chain. Business Process Management Journal, volume 10 issue 5, p506-510
- Bauer, J.; Tanner, S.; Neely, A. (2004) Developing a performance measurement audit template - a benchmarking study. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 8 issue 4, p17-25
- Bourne, M. (2004) Implementation principles - turning intensions into outcomes. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, volume 15 issue 2, p1-8
- Martinez, V. (2004) Performance measurement and management systems. ARLOG (Argentinean Association of Logistics), volume issue , p-
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A.; Mills, J.; Platts, K. (2003) Why some performance measurement initiatives fail: lessons from the change management literature. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 5 issue 2/3, p245-269
- Bititci, U.; Martinez, V.; Albores, P.; Mendibil, K. (2003) Creating and sustaining competitive advantage through collaborative systems: the what? and the how? Production, Planning & Control, volume 14 issue 5, p410-424
- Langford, D.; Martinez, V.; Bititci, U. (2003) Best value in construction - towards an interpretation of value from client and constructor perspectives. Construction Procurement, volume 9 issue 1, p-
- Marr, B.; Neely, A. (2003) Balanced Scorecard: Verstehen und Auswählen von Software Anwendungen für strategieorientierte Unternehmen. Controlling & Management, volume 47 issue 4, p237-240
- Bourne, M. (2003) Extracting value from performance data. Finance and Management, volume issue 96 (Feb), p11-12
- Neely, A.; Marr, B.; Roos, G.; Pike, S.; Gupta, O. (2003) Towards the Third Generation of Performance Measurement. Controlling, volume 15 issue 3/4, p129-135
- Kennerley, M.; Neely, A. (2003) Measuring performance in a changing business environment. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 23 issue 2, p213-229
- Neely, A.; Adams, C. (2003) The new spectrum: How the performance prism framework helps. Business Performance Management, volume issue Nov, p39-47
- Neely, A.; Adams, C. (2003) The Performance Prism in Action: A Case ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½. Control, volume 29 issue 1, p14-17
- Marr, B.; Neely, A. (2003) Automating the balanced scorecard: selection criteria to identify appropriate software applications. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 7 issue 3, p29-36
- Neely, A.; Bourne, M.; Kennerley, M. (2003) Dysfunctional Performance Through Dysfunctional Measures. Journal of Cost Management, volume 17 issue 5, p-
- Ranaweera, C.; Neely, A. (2003) Some moderating effects on the service quality-customer retention link. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 23 issue 2, p230-248
- Marr, B.; Schiuma, G.; Neely, A. (2003) Intellectual capital - defining key performance indicators for organizational knowledge assets. Business Process Management Journal, volume 10 issue 4, p-
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A.; Mills, J.; Platts, K. (2003) Implementing performance measurement systems: a literature review. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 5 issue 1, p1-24
- Mills, J.; Platts, K.; Bourne, M. (2003) Applying resource based theory: methods, outcomes and utility for managers. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 23 issue 2, p148-166
- Marr, B. (2003) Known Quantities - Managing and Measuring Knowledge. Financial Management, volume 3/4 issue Feb, p26-27
- Marr, B.; Schiuma, G. (2003) Business Performance Measurement - Past, Present and Future. Management Decision, volume 41 issue 8, p680-687
- Neely, A.; Marr, B.; Roos, G. (2003) Measuring what matters. Management Focus, volume issue , p-
- Neely, A.; Bourne, M.; Adams, C. (2003) Better budgeting or beyond budgeting?. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 7 issue 3, p22-28
- Marr, B.; Bukh, P.; Mouritsen, J. (2003) Reporting what matters. Financial Management, volume issue Jul/Aug, p-
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A. (2003) Performance measurement system interventions: the impact of parent company initiatives on success and failure. ICFAI Journal of Operations Management, volume issue , p-
- Neely, A. (2003) Gazing into the crystal ball: the future of performance measurement. Perspectives on Performance, volume issue , p12-13
- Neely, A. (2003) Making measurement pay. Insight, volume issue Feb, p-
- Neely, A. (2003) The future of performance measurement. ICFAI Reader, volume issue 60, p38-41
- Kennerley, M.; Neely, A. (2003) Performance measurement frameworks: a review. Excellence One, volume issue Feb, p-
- Neely, A. (2003) The future of performance measurement. New Age CFO, volume issue Apr, p38-41
- Neely, A. (2003) The future of performance measurement. GTNews.com, volume issue , p-
- Neely, A.; Bourne, M.; Adams, C.; Heynes, H. (2003) Better budgeting or beyond budgeting. CFO Project, volume issue , p-
- Neely, A.; Bourne, M.; Adams, C.; Heynes, H. (2003) New research into the capital planning process. CFO Project, volume issue , p-
- Jarrar, Y.; Neely, A. (2003) Six Sigma - Friend or Foe? British Quality Foundation Magazine, volume issue , p-
- Bourne, M.; Franco, M.; Wilkes, J. (2003) Corporate performance management. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 7 issue 3, p15-21
- Neely, A. (2003) The Porter report - where next? Management Focus, volume issue 20, p11-14
- Mills, J.; Platts, K.; Bourne, M. (2003) Competence and resource architectures. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 23 issue 9, p977-994
- Franco, M.; Bourne, M. (2003) Factors that play a role in "managing through measures". Management Decision, volume 41 issue 8, p698-710
- Marr, B.; Gupta, O.; Pike, S.; Roos, G. (2003) Intellectual capital and knowledge management effectiveness. Management Decision, volume 41 issue 8, p771-781
- Marr, B.; Gray, D.; Neely, A. (2003) Why do firms measure their intellectual capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, volume 4 issue 4, p441-464
- Marr, B. (2003) Knowledge management in supply chain management: strategy to measure effectiveness. Logistics Solutions, volume issue 6, p24-26
- Marr, B. (2003) Consider the culture when benchmarking KM processes. Knowledge Management Review, volume 6 issue 5, p6-7
- Marr, B.; Bukh, P.; Mouritsen, J. (2003) Perceived wisdom. Financial Management, volume issue Jul/Aug, p32-
- Marr, B. (2003) Known Quantities. Financial Management, volume issue April, p26-27
- Kennerley, M.; Neely, A.; Adams, C. (2003) Survival of the fittest: The evolution of performance measurement systems. Journal of Cost Management, volume 7 issue 4, p37-43
- Wilcox, M.; Bourne, M. (2003) Predicting performance. Management Decision, volume 41 issue 8, p806-816
- Kennerley, M.; Neely, A. (2002) A framework of the factors affecting the evolution of performance measurement systems. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 22 issue 11, p1222-1245
- Bititci, U.; Bourne, M.; Turner, T. (2002) Performance measurement: the comparison between a process and a model approach. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 3 issue 2, p135-153
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A.; Heynes, H. (2002) Lore Reform. Financial Management, volume issue Jan 23, p-
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A.; Platts, K.; Mills, J. (2002) The success and failure of performance measurement initiatives: Perceptions of participating managers. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 22 issue 11, p1288-1310
- Jarrar, Y.; Neely, A. (2002) Cross-Selling in the Financial Sector: Customer Profitability is Key. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, volume 10 issue 3, p282-296
- Neely, A.; Adams, C. (2002) Managing with measures: The stakeholder perspective. Control, volume 28 issue 7, p29-31
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A. (2002) The missing link. Financial Management, volume issue September, p-
- Bourne, M. (2002) Patients charter. Financial Management, volume issue March, p-
- Bourne, M.; Neely, A. (2002) Cause and Effect. Financial Management, volume issue September, p30-31
- Neely, A. (2002) The Measurement Maze: How to Select the Right Measures of Performance. Business First, volume issue 6, p-
- Neely, A. (2002) Gazing into the Crystal Ball: The Future of Performance Measurement. Bedrijfskunde, volume issue , p-
- Adams, C.; Neely, A. (2002) Prism Reform. Financial Management, volume issue May, p28-31
- Marr, B.; Schiuma, G.; Neely, A. (2002) Assessing Strategic Knowledge Assets in eBusinesses. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 4 issue 2/4, p279-295-
- Marr, B.; Neely, A.; Roos, G. (2002) Manage what matters - your intangible value drivers. Management Focus, volume issue 19, p10-11
- Kennerley, M.; Neely, A. (2001) Enterprise Resource Planning: Analysing the Impact. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, volume 12 issue 2, p103-113
- Hudson, M.; Smart, A.; Bourne, M. (2001) Theory and Practice in SME Performance Measurement Systems. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 21 issue 8, p1096-1115
- Neely, A.; Filippini, R.; Forza, C,; Vinelli, A.; Hii, J. (2001) A framework for analysing business performance, firm innovation and related contextual factors: perceptions of managers and policy makers in two European regions. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, volume 12 issue 2, p114-124
- Neely, A.; Adams, C.; Crowe, P. (2001) The Performance Prism in Practice. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 5 issue 2, p6-13
- Neely, A. (2001) Measuring Business Performance: An Investor Framework. News from the Centre, The Centre for Tomorrow's Company, volume 7 issue 4, p-
- Neely, A.; Adams, C. (2001) Perspectives on Performance: The Performance Prism. Journal of Cost Management, volume 15 issue 1, p7-15
- Franco, M. (2001) Internal Communication. Training & Development, volume issue , p-
- Marr, B.; Neely, A. (2001) Measuring and managing performance in e-business. Financial Management, volume issue , p-
- Kennerley, M.; Kochlar, A. (2001) Performance measurement in manufacturing planning and control systems - actual practice and findings from UK companies. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, volume 4 issue 1, p55-70
- Jarrar, Y. (2001) Knowledge Management - Learning from Organisational Experience. Managerial Auditing Journal, volume issue , p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2001) Future Trends in Benchmarking for Competitive Advantage: A Global Survey. TQM Journal, volume 12 issue 7-8, p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2001) Measuring Organizational Effectiveness in the NHS: Results of a Benchmarking ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½. TQM Journal, volume issue , p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2001) Employee Empowerment - a UK survey of trends and best practices. Managerial Auditing Journal, volume issue , p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2001) CRM applications - growing sales from existing customers. Perspectives on Performance, volume 1 issue 3, p-
- Bourne, M. (2001) Beyond the balanced scorecard: what we need to know to make it work. Mergers & Acquisitions, volume issue Aug, p8-9
- Bourne, M. (2001) Performance measurement, hard times and hard boiled eggs. Management Focus, volume 17 issue Winter, p19-20
- Bourne, M. (2001) The Balanced Scorecard: nine important shortcomings. Director of Finance, volume issue , p-
- Marr, B. (2001) Scored for Life. Financial Management, volume issue April, p30-
- Marr, B.; Neely, A. (2001) Measuring Business Performance in the eEconomy. KRP - Kosten Rechnungs Praxis (Journal of Management Control and Accounting), volume issue , p12-20
- Clark, B. (2001) A Summary of Thinking on Measuring the Value of Marketing. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, volume 9 issue 4, p357-369
- Marr, B.; Neely, A. (2001) Organisational Performance Measurement in the Emerging Digital Age. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 3 issue 2/3/4, p191-215
- Zairi, M.; Jarrar, Y. (2001) Measuring Organisational Effectiveness in the NHS Management Style and Structure Best Practices. TQM Journal, volume 12 issue 7/8, p882-889
- Sain ley Berry, P.; Ketelslegers, D.; Schrader, B.; Kennerley, M.; Neely, A.; Barghahn, P.; Haehnsen, W. (2000) Building the Single Market with Information Technology: Lessons from a Transnational IT Implementation. Industrial Management and Data Systems, volume 100 issue 1/2, p36-40
- Bourne, M.; Mills, J.; Wilcox, M.; Neely, A.; Platts, K. (2000) Designing, implementing and updating performance measurement systems. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 20 issue 7, p754-771
- Bourne, M.; Bourne, P. (2000) Performance Measurement: Understanding the Balanced Scorecard. Professional Manager, volume issue , p-
- Neely, A.; Mills, J.; Platts, K.; Richards, H.; Gregory, M.; Bourne, M.; Kennerley, M. (2000) Performance measurement system design: developing and testing a process-based approach. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 20 issue 10, p1119-1145
- Neely, A.; Bourne, M. (2000) Why measurement initiatives fail. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 4 issue 4, p3-6
- Neely, A.; Adams, C.; Marr, B. (2000) Measuring eBusiness Performance. Management Focus, volume 15 issue , p10-11
- Adams, C.; Neely, A. (2000) The Performance Prism to Boost M&A Success. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 4 issue 3, p19-23
- Jarrar, Y. (2000) Best Practice Transfer for Future Competitiveness: An Empirical ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ of Best Practices. TQM Journal, volume 11 issue 4-5-6, p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2000) A Reward, Recognition, and Appraisal System for Future Competitiveness: A UK Survey of Best Practices. International Journal of Applied Management, volume issue , p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2000) The application of graphical techniques in evaluating benchmarking partners. Benchmarking: An International Journal, volume 7 issue 4, p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2000) Internal transfer of best practice for performance excellence: a global survey. Benchmarking: An International Journal, volume 7 issue 4, p-
- Jarrar, Y. (2000) Benchmarking - a survey on global trends. Focus on Change Management, volume issue July 2000, p-
- Waggoner, D.; Neely, A.; Kennerley, M. (1999) The Forces that Shape Organisational Performance Measurement Systems: An Interdisciplinary Review. International Journal of Production Economics, volume 60-61 issue , p53-60
- Neely, A. (1999) The Performance Measurement Revolution: Why Now and What Next? International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 19 issue 2, p205-228
- Neely, A. (1999) Measuring Business Performance: Why, What and How. News from the Centre, The Centre for Tomorrow's Company, volume issue 5, p2-
- Bourne, M.; Mills, J.; Bicheno, J.; Hamblin, D.; Wilcox, M.; Neely, A.; Platts, K. (1999) Performance Measurement System Design: Testing a Process Approach in Manufacturing Companies. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 1 issue 2, p154-170
- Bourne, M.; Wilcox, M. (1999) Translating Strategy into Action. Business and Technical Management, volume 2 issue 7, p23-27
- Bourne, M. (1999) Designing and Implementing a Balanced Performance Measurement System. Control, volume issue Jul/Aug, p21-24
- Jarrar, Y. (1999) BPR-Learning from organizational experience. TQM Journal, volume 10 issue 2, p-
- Jarrar, Y. (1999) Integrating total quality management and business process re-engineering - is it enough? TQM Journal, volume 10 issue 4-5, p-
- Mills, J.; Neely, A.; Platts, K.; Gregory, M. (1998) Manufacturing Strategy: A Pictorial Representation. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 18 issue 11-12, p1067-1085
- Mills, J.; Neely, A.; Platts, K.; Richards, A.; Gregory, M. (1998) The Manufacturing Strategy Process: Incorporating a Learning Perspective. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, volume 9 issue 3, p148-155
- Platts, K.; Mills, J.; Bourne, M.; Neely, A.; Richards, A.; Gregory, M. (1998) Testing manufacturing strategy formulation processes. International Journal of Production Economics, volume 56-57 issue 1-3, p517-523
- Neely, A. (1998) Three Modes of Measurement: Theory and Practice. International Journal of Business Performance Management, volume 1 issue 1, p47-64
- Bourne, M.; Wilcox, M. (1998) Translating Strategy into Action. Manufacturing Engineer, volume 77 issue 3, p109-112
- Neely, A.; Richards, H.; Mills, J.; Platts, K.; Bourne, M. (1997) Designing Performance Measures: A Structured Approach. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, volume 17 issue 11-12, p1131-1153
- Neely, A. (1997) A Practical Approach to Defining Key Indicators. Measuring Business Excellence, volume 1 issue 1, p42-46
- Neely, A.; Mills, J.; Platts, K.; Gregory, M.; Richards, H. (1996) Performance Measurement System Design: Should Process Based Approaches be Adopted? International Journal of Production Economics, volume 46-47 issue , p423-432
- Platts, K.; Mills, J.; Neely, A.; Gregory, M.; Richards, A. (1996) Evaluating Manufacturing Strategy Formulation Processes. International Journal of Production Economics, volume 46-47 issue , p233-240