Contact Dr Hafize Sahin Ersoz


Hafize is a Research Fellow in the School of Management at ۿ۴ý focusing on Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Consumer Behaviour. She earned her PhD in Research, Measurement, and Evaluation Program from Washington State University, specializing in psychometrics and research methods as a Fulbright scholar.

Before joining to Cranfield she was involved in research on food waste and food security research at Georgetown University in Qatar, and offered data and research consultancy for Reach Out to Asia. Prior to these roles she was a Research Assistant at Learning and Performance Research Centre at Washington State University.

Research opportunities

Hafize has research interests in the food supply chain its optimization to promote healthy and sustainable diets. She is also interested in food waste within the food supply chain, the development of surveys and instruments, measurement invariance across different cultures, and factor analysis.

Current activities

Currently, Hafize works with Professor Michael Bourlakis on the BBSRC project titled “Realigning UK Food Production and Trade for Transition to Healthy and Sustainable Diets”. In this role she conducts literature reviews, qualitative interviews, value chain mapping, and data analysis. She actively disseminates findings, engages with diverse stakeholders, and contributes to policy recommendations, aiming to make a lasting impact in the field of healthy and sustainable food systems.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers