In this presentation Dr Ken Dale will describe collaborative work between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC) to develop a blast loss estimation capability for terrorist attacks in Australian cities.

This capability has been established for nine precincts and continues to expand. The presentation will step through how the capability addresses hazard, exposure, vulnerability and impact. The recent work done in estimating blast risk in Melbourne and Sydney will be the primary focus of the presentation.

The Terrorism Risk Assessment, Modelling and Mitigation Seminar Series (TRAMMSS) is a virtual seminar series focused on technical topics related to terrorism risk assessment, and modelling, including blast modelling and response; IEDs; vehicles as weapons; CBRN; big data for risk assessment, security and screening; and associated mitigation measures.


Dr Ken Dale is a structural engineer who obtained his Bachelor and PhD degrees at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Ken has worked in the Community Safety Branch (and its predecessors) at Geoscience Australia (GA) since 2003. Since joining GA Ken has contributed to the development of vulnerability models for buildings and other infrastructure to a range of hazards. Ken led the development and implementation of a multi-hazard survey template for capturing features of buildings in Australian Central Business Districts (CBDs) that influence their vulnerability to earthquake, strong wind and blast. Ken has led GA’s collaborative work programme with the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation since 2010. He has participated in post-disaster surveys of building infrastructure impacted by a variety of hazards in both Australia and internationally.

Who should attend

This seminar is open to guests from outside Cranfield, who may work in academia, research, or industry. Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this seminar series, guests should be able to show that they are affiliated with an appropriate bona fide organisation.


The event is free of charge, but participants must register for the TRAMMSS mailing list in advance.

How to register

To attend this seminar, you must register for the TRAMMSS mailing list via the . Further information on the TRAMMSS community can be found on the main website at