Current blast design provisions for wood members and connections are limited and may unintentionally lead to designs that are too conservative or not sufficiently safe. Novel methodologies for the design and analysis of light-frame wood stud walls, glulam members, as well as cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels subjected to blast loads will be presented and verified with published experimental full-scale test results. Key design parameters such as dynamic increase factors, ductility ratios, and resistance curves will be discussed for the purpose of establishing accurate and representative design methods. Contemporary blast design provisions will be evaluated, and key shortcomings highlighted. Additionally, general design considerations for timber connections will be introduced and discussed during the presentation.
The Terrorism Risk Assessment, Modelling and Mitigation Seminar Series (TRAMMSS) is a virtual seminar series focused on technical topics related to terrorism risk assessment, and modelling, including blast modelling and response; IEDs; vehicles as weapons; CBRN; big data for risk assessment, security and screening; and associated mitigation measures.
Professor Ghasan Doudak PhD PEng is full professor of structural engineering at the University of Ottawa. His area of expertise includes multi-scale understanding of how complete structural systems function, encompassing issues such as how complete buildings respond to the effects of wind storms, ground shaking during earthquakes, or other actions like impacts and blasts. Prior to joining the Engineering Faculty, Professor Doudak held the position of Manager, Wood and Structural Standards at the Canadian Wood Council.
He is a member of the National Building Code of Canada Standing Committee on Structural Design, CSA O86 Technical Committee on Engineering Design in Wood, CSA S850 Technical Committee on Blast Resistant Buildings, and board member and treasurer of Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering (CAEE).
Dr Christian Viau PhD PEng is an assistant professor of structural engineering at Carleton University. Dr Viau’s research focuses on understanding how structural members, connections, and assemblies behave under dynamic loading. His research combines the use of experimental testing in tandem with numerical and analytical modelling, with the goal of developing useful design tools, to aid engineers and designers in analysing and detailing structures against earthquakes and extreme dynamic loads.
He is a member of the CSA S850 Technical Committee on Blast Resistant Buildings and is involved in the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) scientific network where he chairs a subgroup focusing on the effects of blast loads on tall timber structures. Dr Viau is also a member of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and American Society of Civil Engineers.
Who should attend
This seminar is open to guests from outside Cranfield, who may work in academia, research, or industry. Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this seminar series, guests should be able to show that they are affiliated with an appropriate bona fide organisation.
The event is free of charge, but participants must register for the TRAMMSS mailing list in advance.How to register
To attend this seminar, you must register for the TRAMMSS mailing list via the . Further information on the TRAMMSS community can be found on the main website.