Since the 2016 Nice attack vehicles used as weapons have been seen as an increasing threat to public spaces and large-scale events alike. Security managers must make threat assessments based on likely vehicle type and approach velocity as seen in a recent talk in this series. Then appropriate mitigation, usually involving vehicle barriers, must be sourced, and deployed. In most cases, permanent solutions to these threats aren’t necessary and robust, effective, and rapidly deployable temporary options are preferred. In this seminar, we show the development of the Pitagone F11 rapid deployment system with the use of Finite Element Modelling techniques using LS-DYNA and design validation versus real crash tests according to international testing standards.
The Terrorism Risk Assessment, Modelling and Mitigation Seminar Series (TRAMMSS) is a virtual seminar series focused on technical topics related to terrorism risk assessment, and modelling, including blast modelling and response; IEDs; vehicles as weapons; CBRN; big data for risk assessment, security and screening; and associated mitigation measures.
Joseph Marra is a Civil Engineer with a Master of Business Administration from University of Liege, Belgium. After working for the University of Liege and ArcelorMittal on projects related to roadside safety, he joined GDTech in 2012.
Within the company, his focus was initially on developing the use of LS-DYNA simulations in the area of crash and dynamics, including analysis of roadside safety equipment. Since then, he has also been involved in accident-reconstruction activities, as well as defence-related activities such as developing anti-intrusion systems, bulletproof systems, and explosive simulations.
Joseph is a member of the European Road Federation and the Smart Transportation Alliance and has contributed to several working groups to develop highway safety standards and procedures at the European level.
Who should attend
This seminar is open to guests from outside Cranfield, who may work in academia, research, or industry. Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this seminar series, guests should be able to show that they are affiliated with an appropriate bona fide organisation.