This module can be taken as a Short Course for Credit or a Standalone Short Course.

Please go to the 'Upgrade to a professional qualification' section for more information.

This course is intended for practicing scientists, engineers and management personnel of all disciplines. It aims to give a broad understanding of the basis of intelligent systems including an awareness of the nature of problems in which such systems can be exploited.

At a glance

  • Dates
    • Please enquire for course dates
  • Duration5 days
  • LocationOnline
  • Cost£2,350 - Short Course for Credit fee 

    £2,100 - Standalone Short Course fee  Concessions available

Course structure

The course includes a number of practicals and demonstrations designed to supplement the lectures and present an overview of the current state-of-the-art.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Develop an application of Intelligent Systems using either fuzzy rule-based or Machine Learning including Neural Network or Deep Neural Network or Bayesian Belief Networks or a combination of techniques,
  • Assess the performance of developed systems,
  • Examine the role of data pre-processing and representation.

Core content

  • Overview of Intelligent Systems,
  • Basic approaches to developing Intelligent Systems,
  • Overview of Architectures:
    • Reasoning under uncertainty,
    • Fuzzy reasoning,
    • Bayesian networks,
    • Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning
      • Perceptions and multilayer perceptrons - basics of the perceptron learning algorithm,
      • Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks.
  • A selection of machine learning algorithms,
  • Neural Networks for Classification and Prediction / Regression – discussion of case studies,
  • Review of comparable statistical techniques.

Upgrade to a professional qualification

When taken as a Short Course for Credit, 10 credit points can be put towards the Defence and Security (Technology) MSc, Defence Simulation and Modelling MSc or the Military Operational Research MSc. Find out more about short course credit points.


A limited number of MOD sponsored places are available

There are limited places on these modules. You may not receive an offer until places have been confirmed, usually 1 to 2 weeks before the start date.

How to apply

To apply for this course please use the online application form.

Read our Professional development (CPD) booking conditions.